BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer communications protocol for efficiently sending any type of file, large or small, over the Internet. Safe torrenting software, such as such as BitTorrent Classic, are needed to send or receive files using the protocol. With over 100 million active torrent programs installed on home computers across the world, the
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BitTorrent Classic | The Original Torrent Client for Desktop BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer communications protocol for efficiently sending any type of file, large or small, over the Internet. Safe torrenting software, such as such as BitTorrent Classic, are needed to send or receive files using the protocol. With over 100 million active torrent programs installed on home computers across the world, the
BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer communications protocol for efficiently sending any type of file, large or small, over the Internet. Safe torrenting software, such as such as BitTorrent Classic, are needed to send or receive files using the protocol. With over 100 million active torrent programs installed on home computers across the world, the
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